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Lucy Scribner Library

World Languages & Literatures: Books

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Search and Borrow Books from Other Libraries

Discovery Search & the Library Catalog

Search for books, eBooks, DVDs, and other physical materials housed within Lucy Scribner Library.  This search will search our catalog and many library databases, so you must use the Source Type filter (under All Filters) to limit to the type of source you want like Books and eBooks.


Use WorldCat to search libraries across the country and world to find and request books using Interlibrary Loan (ILL) (5-8 business day delivery time).

Request Book Chapters

While books are physically sent to the library, a book chapter can be requested and is sent electronically as a PDF. If you only need a single chapter from a book, use the "Book Chapter" form in your ILL account. You'll have access to the PDF within 1-3 business days.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Sign up for ILL to request books from other institutions (5-8 business day delivery time).
How do I find a book in another language?
Use the catalog's Advanced search to limit to the specific language.
Where's my book?
Books in other languages and/or translated literature will be located on the 3rd floor of the library.  Call numbers that begin with the letter P will be related to languages and literatures with the breakdown below.  If you're searching for a particular work or author, use the library catalog to find the exact work.
  • PA - Greek / Latin languages and literatures
  • PB - Modern / Celtic languages
  • PC - Romance languages
  • PD - Germanic / Scandinavian languages
  • PE - English language
  • PF - West Germanic languages
  • PG - Slavic / Baltic / Albanian languages
  • PH - Uralic / Basque languages
  • PJ - Oriental languages and literatures
  • PK - Indo-Iranian languages and literatures
  • PL - Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, and Oceania
  • PM - Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial languages
  • PN - Literature (General)
  • PQ - French / Italian / Spanish / Portuguese literatures
  • PT - German /Dutch /Flemish (since 1830) / Afrikaans / Scandinavian / Old Norse / Modern Icelandic / Faroese / Danish / Norwegian / Swedish literatures