In 2015 the AAA (American Anthropological Association) decided to only use The Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date) for citations.
Citing Artificial Intelligence in Chicago
Please note: Citation manuals are trying to keep up-to-date with A.I. sources like Large Language Models (LLMs like ChatGPT), so their guidelines may change. The current guidelines are based on a 2023 Chicago Manual FAQ post. Chicago assumes that a writer will only be reproducing the text of a Large Language Model (like ChatGPT) in their paper and not using an LLM as a source.
If you quote a LLM like ChatGPT in a paper, you need to include an in-text citation. Either in that in-text citation or in the text of your paper, you should include the prompt used in the LLM. Only if that LLM provides a stable or shareable link to the original text do you include a reference entry.
The LLM response does not have a shareable link. (Include only an in-text citation).
ChatGPT. 2023. Response to “Tell me the unique characteristics of flying squirrels.” OpenAI, June 18, 2024.
RefWorks is a citation management system that allows you to create, edit, and save citations. Accounts are free to Skidmore students, faculty, and staff.