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Lucy Scribner Library

Black Studies

Discovery Search

Search for books, eBooks, DVDs, and other physical materials housed within Lucy Scribner Library.  This search will search our catalog and many library databases, so you must use the Source Type filter (under All Filters) to limit to the type of source you want like Books and eBooks.


Use WorldCat to search libraries across the country and world to find and request books using Interlibrary Loan (ILL) (5-8 business day delivery time).

Request Book Chapters

While books are physically sent to the library, a book chapter can be requested and is sent electronically as a PDF. If you only need a single chapter from a book, use the "Book Chapter" form in your ILL account. You'll have access to the PDF within 1-3 business days.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Sign up for ILL to request books from other institutions (5-8 business day delivery time).

Black Literature

How do I find literature by Black authors?

The library's literature collection is organized by an author's affiliated country, time period, and then an author's name.  This means that work by Black authors will be interspersed throughout the entire collection.

To find literature by a specific author or a specific title, search in the Library Catalog. You can search for a title or author by just typing either or both in the search boxes. 


How do I find literature on a specific subject?

Books of criticism and analysis on a specific literary subject will often be grouped together on the shelves. For example books about the literature of the Harlem Renaissance will be grouped together. You can use the advanced search of the catalog to find works in this subject category.

However, books about a specific work of literature or author will be next to that author's work.  For example analysis/criticism of Zora Neale Hurston will be next to her works of literature, not in the section on Harlem Renaissance literature.

This is why it's important to search the catalog first to see what call numbers appear on your topic.  You will most likely end up in multiple locations.

Where's my book?

Call Numbers

Since Black Studies overlaps with many different disciplines, it is best to check the library catalog first to find books on your topic.  You may go to one part of the collection or several.

Literature Call Numbers
Books by or about Black authors and their works of literature will mainly be on the 3rd floor of the library. However, they may be located in a variety of locations depending on the author's affiliated country and time period.
The first two letters of the call number indicate the broad subject and then will be broken down into subtopics.  Search the catalog to find specific works.
PE - English Language
PL - Languages and Literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, and Oceania
PN - Literature General (Graphic novels located in this section)
PQ - French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Literature*
PR - English Literature*
PS - American Literature
*Books by/about authors from countries that used to be colonies will be located in the section of that colonial country. For example, Nigerian literature is primarily found in the PR section. Haitian literature would be found in the PQ section. However, books about African literature are found in the PL section. Again, use the catalog first when searching on a topic or author as they may be in multiple locations.

Reference Books

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference sources provide basic information on a topic like names, dates, and definitions. These are great resources to use when narrowing down a topic or to look up unfamiliar terms and concepts when reading scholarly publications like journal articles.

The library has a large selection of reference sources, like encyclopedias, dictionaries, and handbooks, on topics within Black Studies.  Since these books may be throughout the entire library depending on their discipline, it's best to use the Library Catalog.

Reference search in the catalog with Book OR "African American" in the first search box, Encyclopedia OR Handbook OR Manual in the second search box, and Literature in the third box

  • In the first search box type Black OR "African American"
    • Type "African American" with quotation marks to search the two words as a phrase
  • In the second search box type Encyclopedia OR Dictionary OR Handbook
  • In the last box type in additional keywords to specify your search to a particular discipline or topic

On the results page limit your results to "Books" and "eBook" from the Format menu to limit to just print and electronic books. 

Online Reference Databases