Get to know Lucy Scribner Library and everything we have to offer inside our building and out. From first floor to fourth, and our annex building HOGE, this guide covers it all.
...But some of them could certainly use a map. Pick up a copy of the Library map at the Reference or Circulation desks to help you best locate the library's many rooms and resources. It can also be found online here.
Use printers on the first or fourth floor to print in black and white for free.
Need to print in color? Head to Media Services in the basement, and pay a small fee of 50 cents per page.
A teaspoon of concentration, a tablespoon of brainpower and a measure of resources from the Library webpage. Use Scribner Library's webpage to access the catalog, book a study room, chat with a librarian and much much more.
Lucy Scribner Library: Helping to save the earth, one refilled water bottle at a time. Installed on every floor, they make it easy for everyone to make a difference.
We've got so many great online resources to use:
We've got you covered.
Have no fear, many library tables have built in outlets on the sides. Now you can keep working without having to worry about draining your battery.